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This was way more impressive than what I was expecting, and I was already expecting a great game!


This is such a cool visual novel that really is unique. One moment I think I know where it's going but then it changes and twists around! The plot is so cool but I absolutely love the programming gimmicks! They truly add on to the game and enhances the experience, amazing job!


Downloaded this game on a whim because I found a reference to it on TV Tropes, had to bypass my computer's security to play it, zero regrets. Freakin' hilarious. I won't spoil it but at the first big twist I laughed so hard I spit on my computer screen.


Fantastic game!


it was such an experience !!! 


i tried to close the game and got scared

(1 edit) (+2)

This game was so mind-bending! The multiple twists were hilarious and engaging. I thought the mechanic of the game crashing and restarting on a different screen was genius! Do you have a youtube or something where you've explained how to do it? I'd really like to know. If not, no worries. Amazing game! Really made me think!


Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the twists and turns! The game mechanic is done using "persistent data," which is a type of scripting built into the game's engine, Ren'Py. I wrote a little bit about it in the game's behind-the-scenes document, but you can read about it in more detail in Ren'Py's documentation here. Hope this is what you're looking for, and thank you again for your comment! :)


Of course! Thank you so much for the information!


One of the first VNs that I ever played, and it still stands out in my head as one of my all-time favorites. This game is just full of surprises, all very welcome to my horror and humor-loving heart. <3

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it!

(1 edit) (+1)

I played this recently on a stream. My only complaint is that it is so short. I loved the humor in it and the meta. And Sheska is such a cutie! The art style was also really great.  All around, I enjoyed this game. 

Edit to add:  One issue I did have, since I was playing on a stream, I had Twitch and OBS open on my second monitor and when I switched to type something in that monitor, the game froze and I had to start over. 

Thank you so much! And thank you for noting the OBS issue. I'm gonna check out your livestream. <3

(1 edit)

Hi. It's me again. I finished watching your livestream, and discovered that you didn't finish the game. Spoiler alert, but the crash was intentional. You actually haven't even gotten halfway through the game. ;)

Spoilers: For some reason, after the intentional crash (from picking the secret passageway), the game is not continuing the story once you re-open the game (like it's supposed to). I'm not sure what is causing this issue, but it may be OBS. Be sure to set OBS to record the desktop rather than the game's window, as some problems may occur otherwise.

Thank you. That is interesting; I will give it another try later this week. I will double check the OBS settings. 

I just noticed you followed me. Thank you!  <3 

It's me, once more. So I played the game again today, in the stream. This time I actually completed the game. I did do the desktop capture and that seemed to help. However, I still had an issue with the game crashing when I clicked on my second monitor to type something in the stream chat. (It's early on in the stream).  
Thank you so much for letting me know that I hadn't completed the game the first time; so glad I got to finish it. I really enjoyed this game a lot.  Great job!  :)


Thank you for playing it! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3


Loved this game. I was expecting a funny meta horror story but it ended up being much more interesting than that.  I don't think I've ever played a game that existed beyond its game file. The concept is really fun and the writing is solid, I almost wish it was longer so that we could live in each part of the game just a little bit more.


I just finished the game and I just have to say it was the best visual novel I've ever played! It was so clever, funny and kept me in suspence all the way through! I loved how you had to find your way out of the game, the game crashing and changing all the time, Simon helping us out.... aghhh it's such a great idea, I will come back to this game for sure in the future! Also, when I get my credit card I'm definietely going to support you financialy, you deserve it!

Thank you so much! You've made my day! >U< I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


SOME MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD - read at your own spoiler risk

Nice game. I won't spoil it too much but I loved how Adrien was aware that it was a game and then he ends up meeting the girl (I won't say her name for spoiler reasons) in the other game and then he finds out that he is actually just stuck in (MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD) the game but actually exists in real life.



Where am I supposed to insert the crack Simon gave me?


I have written a walkthrough for that bit. If you're still stuck, please let me know.


Thanks a lot! I thought I had to take this piece of code and inject it somewhere else... I also totally missed that the boolean thingy was set to "False".

Deleted post

To be honest, this game was far better than I expected. It was really good and I just love games that make them seem "alive" (like if the game closes itself, or changing something about the code to get a different path).
I was really surprised when I suddenly saw a different screen when I started the game up again, but  was happily surprised, since from this moment I knew that it was one of "these" games. :D
Really great work and I wish there were more games like these in this world!


I'm so glad I downloaded this game. I loved it!


Wow @Katy133. Loved this little journey. Funny and slightly unsettling, just my cup of tea.  I wanted to add more humour to my game but it just didn't fit, so the next game is gonna be hilarious... ;-) Keep up the good work!


Is it me or are short, fun, well written games that you can finish in an evening so much more satisfying than massive, open world, 200 hour AAA monsters?


Just went back and paid for this game coz I enjoyed it so much. Would be nice if provided a way to link back to a payment page from our games.

Thank you again! I agree with you. Short indie games seem to have a more strange, different art direction than larger games (I guess because indies are made by a smaller group of people, so it's more unified). The Sexy Brutale is a great example. I've been becoming more disillusioned with bigger AAA games these days (though there are some lovely exceptions--I've recently been really enjoying the humour in Fallout 4).

(1 edit) (+1)

Unfortunately could not continue playing the game -- I'm playing it on my Mac and the instructions for for_adrian.rpy are made for Windows, not Mac. Confused and upset that I can't continue the game, it seems amazing. :( Please help.


Hi! I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll do my best to help. Firstly,  have you downloaded the latest version (1.6) of the game? I've checked the Mac version, and Adrian.rpy should be located in:\redacted\Contents\Resources\autorun\game
Do you see it there?


Yes! I found it, thank you so much. :) Your game is super amazing, I love it!


Thank you! <3

How do you restart the game???? I wanna play it again

The two ways of restarting the game are 1) Completing the game all the way through and agreeing to restart it at the end, or , 2) Manually deleting the files inside the "cache" folder.

it isnt working for some reason, ive tried deleting whats inside the folder and the whole folder and nothing is working

(1 edit)

Were you able to complete the game all the way through to restart that way? If that doesn't work, I'd suggest re-downloading the game at this point (maybe one of the files got damaged, preventing you from restarting it?).

Edit: Also, deleting the "persistent" file in the game's "saves" folder may also manually reset the game (though you may want to save the "persistent" file somewhere on your desktop just in case you need to put it back in the "saves" folder).

Hi! I just bought the game after seeing the first 10 minutes on an LP, but unfortunately it won't open on my computer! No error message, just nothing happens. I have a Mac running 10.12.3--any idea of how I can fix this problem?

(1 edit)

I'm not too familiar with Macs, so I had to look up some fixes for running Ren'Py-made games on the plateform. So far, I've heard that moving the game's folder into the Mac's "Applications" folder and opening it from there can get it to work. I also came across this fix tutorial (it requires you to download Ren'Py).
Let me know if it's still not working or if either of these methods work. I'm sorry about the trouble you're having with launching it.

Wow, the Renpy fix totally worked! Thank you so much for replying so quickly!

No problem! Glad it worked!

(5 edits) (+2)

I absolutely LOVED this game!! Honestly, I loved the story and the originality. It really got me on edge at parts. And I loved the innovative mechanics. I did a let's play on it if you are interested! Great spooky story for just before Halloween :D

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4 END:

Thank you for this amazing experience :)


A unique and beautiful take on a "horror" story. I love every bit of this game. Thank you for giving us this fantastic experience.

Deleted 7 years ago

Loved this, especially the one bit that I can't talk about because it would spoil things but which actually creeped me right out! I included this in my list of the best free horror games on, which you can see here:

Good luck with your future projects!


OMG that was brilliant! *-*

Haha, I believe you now Katy133

I like how meta this is. :) Now that you've seen it, should I take it down?

Deleted 7 years ago

Hello! This is a brilliant game. I read about two sentences into your game summary before immediately downloading it; not only is the game itself great, but the concept is too. While the story line was short (expected of a NaNoRenO), the coding and creativity placed into this blew me away. I found myself genuinely terrified, and it was only 2 pm in the afternoon. The music set the tone perfectly, and I loved the surprises found within "glitches" of the game. Had this been a bit longer, It would've rivaled the genius of Undertale (granted Toby Fox took three years to make/code his.) This game deserves a whole lot more recognition, and I am definitely recommending this to my friends. Thanks for uploading an amazing game :D


I thought this was just a simple horror game, so when the game suddenly closed I thought it crashed. I opened it again and i was greeted with a pink otome-like menu and i was like??? I must have clicked on the wrong file. But it was the right one and I was so confused. Did something happen to my computer??? Then, it turns out it was all part of the game. THIS IS AMAZING! I definitely got more than what I expected. I look forward to more of your games in the future!!

wow..... thanks for the Spoiler......


I thought the idea of the guy who knew he was in a horror game would've been cheesy and dull, but as it kept This is a smart, clever game. Awesome job! Can't wait till the next one


I made an account just so I could leave a comment because wow. This is one of the only games to have truly scared me without cheesy jumpscares or gore. I really loved it and how the characters 'jump around', along with how you get to interact with the files. Please make more!


Thank you! Your comment really made my day! ^U^

I definitely have plans to make more games; I want to make a detective game next.


As a major fan of both detective games and this game. You've now gotten me really excited. Either way though, I look forward to seeing what you hold in store in the future.

Deleted 7 years ago
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I can't continue in the game I'm stuck in a loop. I'm pretty sure I know what I need to do but the game wont allow me to do it... I think its a bug...

Edit: Not a bug just confusing/ unclear... I figured it out by watching another person's video but I wish I could have figured it out on my own... T_T